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 HEADERS      Discusses Extended Headers used in MSGS for v15.0
 HEADERS2     Implimentation of Extended Headers in MSGS for v15.0
 MSGS         Documenation on the MSGS, MSGS.NDX and MSGS.IDX formats
 PCBDAT.DAT   line by line contents of PCBOARD.DAT file
 CNAMES       File format for CNAMES.@@@ and CNAMES.ADD files
 USERS        File format for the USERS file
 USER.SYS     File format for the USERS.SYS file
 USER.INF     File format for the USERS.INF file
 USERNET.XXX  File format for the USERNET.XXX file
 PWRD         File format for the PWRD file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson